A member of the United Grand Lodge of England

Become a Mason

The Ulster Lodge is always delighted to welcome new members, or to answer any questions you may have about Freemasonry. Contrary to the popular belief you do not need to be invited to join, it is actually more usual that anyone interested in becoming a Freemason approaches the masonic lodge.

We are a London based Freemason’s Lodge, founded in 1903 by Ulstermen, hence the name – Ulster Lodge. Nowadays membership of the Lodge is open to anyone who wants to become a Freemason, not just those from the province. The only condition is that you must be at least 21 years old. If you are interested in joining then feel free to contact us and we’ll be glad to help you decide if Freemasonry is right for you.

Steps in becoming a Freemason

  1. Contact us and ask any further questions that you may have. We will reply to your questions as quickly as we can and if you decide that Freemasonry is right for you we’ll arrange an informal meeting with a couple of our members.
  2. You will need to complete a short application form. Don’t let this put you off, the form is only one page long asking for information such as name, address and occupation.
  3. The next step is to meet with the Lodge committee, they will be interested to know why you want to become a Freemason and will want to be sure that Masonry is right for you. There is an overriding principle that Freemasonry should be without detriment to yourself or your family.
  4. Once approved by the committee, your proposed membership shall be put to the rest of the lodge members and you’ll be initiated at the next convenient meeting.