A member of the United Grand Lodge of England

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Freemason’s lodge?

Freemasonry is a fraternal society with strong charitable beliefs. Lodge members meet to discuss the business of the Lodge and this is followed by a sociable meal. Lodge business is no different to any other club or society; typically involving items such as Lodge finances, communications, the admission of new members and the progression of existing members.

Which charities does the Lodge support?

In addition to the Freemason’s benevolent fund the lodge makes donations to many other charities. These are selected by the members and generally have a personal connection to one of the Lodge members. Links to these charities are displayed on our website.

How do I become a Freemason?

The only condition to becoming a Freemason is that you are over 21 years of age. If you are interested, contact us using the link on the website and we will reply as quickly as we can. To join the lodge you will need to complete a short application form and have an interview before being admitted.

Do I have to be from Ulster to become a member?

No. The Lodge retains its links to Ulster with regular visits to and from Lodges in the province but there is no requirement for new members to hail from Ulster. Many existing members do have some connection to Ulster, but it is not a requirement.

What are the religious beliefs of the Lodge?

The simple answer to this is none. The lodge accepts members regardless of their religious beliefs, with the understanding that they believe in whatever god is appropriate for their religion. In fact throughout masonry the subjects of religion and politics are banned from being discussed within the Lodge.

How much does Freemasonry cost?

There is a joining fee and annual subscription for the Ulster Lodge. The annual fee is currently XXX;, which covers room hire and the other expenses of the Lodge. In addition to this there is a meal after each meeting, which can be attended at the member’s discretion, the current cost of this is about £50; for 3 courses and includes wine. Each member can make a donation to the Lodge’s charitable fund, but this should only be what he can afford to give and no pressure is applied. Of course Masons can join more than one Lodge and would have to pay any fees associated to these other Lodges.

What level of time commitment is required?

It’s like everything else, the about of time you put in will determine the enjoyment you get out. As an active Lodge member who participates fully the time commitment is likely to be attending the four meetings per year and between meetings, depending on your progress, there will be some demand on your time to prepare for the next meeting.

Where does the Lodge meet?

Meetings are held at Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, WC2. There are four meeting per year which are held on Friday evenings (see diary page for details).

How is progression within the Lodge determined?

There is natural progression through the various ranks of the Lodge. When you join you’ll rank behind the person who joined before you and in front of the next member who joins, this natural order is maintained to ensure fairness. Each year Lodge officers are appointed to defined roles and, provided that you are a regular attendee and are willing to advance to the next position, you should progress each year until you reach the Chair of the Lodge.

What are the benefits of being a Freemason?

Contrary to the rumours that circulate about masonry members are not obliged to do favours for each other. In fact using Freemasonry for personal gain is strictly forbidden. As a member of the Lodge you will make some very good friends from a variety of backgrounds, you will be encouraged to participate fully in the workings of the Lodge and this will have a positive impact on your self-confidence.

Why are woman banned from Freemasonry?

They’re not. There are a number of woman’s lodges and their popularity is steadily growing.